Reinhart Vollmer
Reinhart Vollmer
1898-1901 (ca., active)
Although Reinhardt Vollmer appeared as an employee at Stickley’s factory as early as 1898, there is little in the Syracuse City Directories during this time that confirms his roll. By 1910, he is recorded as a “finisher” in a chair factory, presumably Stickley’s although the payroll records at this time are presently inaccessible. Working backwards, however, it is clear–according to the City Directory listings–that Reinhardt worked in the finishing department of the factory, typically listing himself as a “sander” in the directories. Fortunately, he shared an address in 1902 with Raymond Vollmer at 836 Park Street, Syracuse who was listed in that and previous directories as a chairmaker. According to the census data, Raymond was born about 1868 in Germany and arrived in the United States in 1895, he was likely the older brother of Reinhardt who arrived in the United States two years later. Because they both worked in the same industry (and because there are a number of family groups employed by Stickley) it is likely that Raymond worked at the factory too, though he is not recorded in the general ledger.
Details of Vollmer’s later life remain sketchy but he appears to have retained his connection to the furniture industry. In the 1920 Federal Census, he is listed as a “rubber” in a “chair factory,” and he probably remained an employee for the Stickleys throughout his career. By 1930, he was recorded as a “polisher,” and although the type of factory was not designated, the 1931 City Directory listed him as a “wood polisher.” He appeared in the 1940 Census at the age of 70, but appears to have been retired at this point since no occupation was listed. No details of his death have been located.
Details of Vollmer’s later life remain sketchy but he appears to have retained his connection to the furniture industry. In the 1920 Federal Census, he is listed as a “rubber” in a “chair factory,” and he probably remained an employee for the Stickleys throughout his career. By 1930, he was recorded as a “polisher,” and although the type of factory was not designated, the 1931 City Directory listed him as a “wood polisher.” He appeared in the 1940 Census at the age of 70, but appears to have been retired at this point since no occupation was listed. No details of his death have been located.