
Hand Painted Pinecone Vase


The elegant Pinecone vase was the first vase put in to production when Rookwood returned to Cincinnati in 2006. It was created in collaboration with artists Allan Nairn, Terri Kern and Gary Simon.

Rookwood’s founder Maria Longworth Nichols Storer made history on Thanksgiving Day in 1880, with Rookwood becoming the first large manufacturing enterprise founded and owned by a woman in the United States. Today, Rookwood continues to build upon its rich heritage and Maria’s vision through their continued dedication to crafting some of the highest quality Art Pottery and Architectural Tile handmade in the United States.

Measures: 9″ H

Each vase is handmade so there maybe slight variations in each form, as well as in the glaze, which makes each item unique!

Only 1 left in stock

SKU: RW003 Categories: , ,

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