Stickley Sustainers are a special group of dedicated supporters who designate a specific monthly contribution to support the museum. By contributing on a monthly basis, Stickley Sustainers provide strength and stability to the Stickley Museum at Craftsman’s Farms, ensuring long-term success. Through regular monthly gifts, Stickley Sustainers provide a stream of steady, reliable support through all seasons, allowing us to plan for and carefully build the Museum’s future.
Monthly Giving: Daily Impact
How much do I have to give to make an impact? Investing even $10 per month makes a significant difference.
Where will my monthly gift be allocated? Stickley Sustainer gifts will be allocated to the museum’s Annual Fund. This fund supports the museum’s daily operations. Gifts are 100% tax deductible within the limits of the law.
Will my gifts be recognized? Yes. All Stickley Sustainers will be recognized on our website. You will receive an annual letter for tax purposes detailing your contributions.
Can I change my monthly contributions? You can easily change your level of participation or stop your contributions with an email, call, or letter at any time.
As a Sustainer, your gift will honor Gustav Stickley’s legacy and ideals and ensure our future. Demonstrate your commitment to the future of the Stickley Museum at Craftsman Farms —
How and why one member –Pamela Grow– became a Stickley Sustainer: https://www.pamelagrow.com/10406/whats-mailbox-stickley-sheds-light-stewardship-right/